Sunday, August 15, 2010

Days 9-10

Days 9-10

Ok, So the last stretch of my 2 week challenge was, well...challenging. It started out w/ Sunday. Not one day after i skip a workout, do I go ahead and skip another one! The beach was just SO relaxing, and I really needed that, so I didn’t really argue when my friend asked me to go again the next day. At this point, I’m seriously thinking “God, I’m a fuck-up!” I have this mission, that’s only 2 weeks long, and I feel like I’m not really taking it seriously by skipping a workout.

Point: Yeah, I’m really hard on myself sometimes.

Counter-point: But sometimes not hard enough, or else I would’ve made it to the gym. Right?

But it gets worse. The very next day, I didn’t plan well enough and missed another workout. That’s three days in a row w/o a workout. It’s not so much that I would’ve worked out all 3 days. At most it would’ve been 2 workouts/1 rest day or vice-versa. But c’mon! Get it together man! I kinda felt like shit, so I texted my trainer/best friend, Kevin, to let him know what was up. Our convo went as follows:

Me: ok. now question for you. i missed my workout today, which means im doing 4 days in a row this week. how do i structure them so im not burnt out 2:05 PM

Me: i was thinking, full-body, upper body, lower body, and then a full-body again. and then i'll be in cali recovering on the beach next week. 2:06 PM

Kevin Hanover: craziness! that sounds like a plan. don't know what else to tell ya. ur not gonna get enough rest 2:08 PM

Me: i know. i kinda shitted on myself this weekend. went to the beach both days, then woke up late and took too long doing laundry so no gym 2day. damn it man! 2:11 PM

Kevin Hanover: suck it up, don't punish yourself for poor planning! just go with the flow 2:13 PM

Me: i hope you know im putting that in the blog. 2:15 PM

Me: maybe my readers will cut me some slack. thx 2:15 PM

Kevin Hanover: LoL 2:17 PM

So, that helped ease my guilt a little bit, and reinforce my previous thought about being too hard on myself. I am human after all, I’m allowed to not be perfect. But it also really made me focus on the remaining 4 days, and get to the task that was at hand. After all, I had set out on a mission to gain as much weight as possible in two weeks, kick-start my way back into fitness, and re-cement some old good habits that I had grown lax on.. Even though there really wasn’t a way to fail (because I didn’t set a concrete number goal), I still felt like not giving my best effort was sort of like losing in a way. Not giving your all just doesn’t feel good to me. The next four days were going to be important. I knew that, and decided to take them seriously.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Days 7-8

Days 7-8

Ok, I haven't been writing as much as I had planned on. Boo me. But the pace of life this past week has been pretty crazy. So, over the next 2 days, I’m going to post the blogs I’ve missed. Lets get to it.

Days 7-8: God, I’m Hungry. Like, all the time. At work I’ve been keeping pretty full by munching on almonds and downing meal replacements in between meals. But if I'm not full, I’m hungry. Its one or the other. Strange. That being said, I do have a confession to make...I skipped a gym day. (gasp)

I know! Boo to me, again! but I was hurtin’, bad. The good thing about lifting heavy is getting quicker results. The bad thing about lifting heavy is it takes more time to recover afterwards. Couple that with the aggressive schedule that I set for myself, and get the point. So, I took Saturday off and went to the beach. Woo hoo! Just what the doctor ordered. I got some color (yes! black people get tan too), got some much needed r&r, and got to spend some time w/ friends that I rarely get to see. It was a nice treat for myself. Although, since I’m in the mood for confessing, the beach isn't the best place to get in proper nutrition. I didn’t go crazy at the food stands, but I didn’t get in as much food as I probably should have. Not so bueno, since I was supposed to be recovering.

Sidenote: I will never understand how deep-fried chicken, and buckets of french fries end up in a beach concession stand. I mean, isn’t the beach a place where people go to show off their svelte bodies? Even if you aren’t so svelte, wouldn’t the fact that your wearing close to nothing in public make you just a little self-conscious of what you’re eating? Even just a little??

But I digress, and to compensate for my missed gym time I adjusted my training schedule for the following week. It’s a bit intense, but I’m pretty sure I can handle it.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Days 5-6

First things first. Food intake was much better on day 5. Started the day of right with a decent breakfast, supplemented by a MRP. Focused on eating good food, lots of proteins. I didn’t get to eat as much as i would have liked during work, but I was smart enough to go out and buy a bag of almonds, so at least i had something to snack on during my shift. Accompanied by green tea and water, i was able to keep full, and not stay sooo worried about the fact that i could’nt be eating every 4 hours. Still room for improvement, though.

Shocking confession: My body hurts. A lot. Every major muscle group is in pain - which is to be expected. Like i said before, I kind of like the pain. At the same time, however, not that much. I decided to give my body a little rest and scratched my Saturday workout. Instead, I’ve decided to take the opportunity to go to the beach. Might as well enjoy whats left of the summer. Right? So, I’ve restructured my workout schedule to get me ready for the coming week. It’ll be a little tougher this week, but I’m pretty confident I can make it work.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Days 3-4

Day 3 was a rest day. Day 4 was a gym day.
Had an excellent day in the gym yesterday. I was really proud of myself. I focused, used heavy weights, did my best to use big movements, and hit as many areas of my body as possible. It took me. I didn’t, however, get to do squats, my knee is feeling better though, so maybe on the next workout.

Day 4 workout was:
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
Standing Barbell Row
Spiderman Push Ups (pyramid)
Kettlebell squats

Even though the workout was only 4 moves, the heavy weights and extra sets really increased the difficulty of the workout. Believe me, my muscles are telling me just how hard i actually worked yesterday. (don’t tell anyone, but i secretly love the post-workout soreness. Feels like progress)

Getting my food intake correct has always been a problem for me. No exceptions this week. I need to plan out my meals, or just commit to making time to eat - correctly. My on-the-go lifestyle, and non-stop pace of my work don’t help much. I also need to be drinking more Meal Replacements They are a big source of proteins, vitamins, and amino-acids. Since I’m not cooking at home, or committing to eating raw foods these are major holes in my diet that need to be filled somehow. Plus, my particular MRP has 2 patented enzyme blends that really assist w/ muscle recovery, and carbohydrate processing. These are pretty important pieces of the puzzle in this 2-week challenge. I explained in an earlier post how important proper nutrition is, and this could really hinder my results if i don’t get this under control. Starting today - no excuses!

I should also note that I really am focused on getting adequate sleep. Something that I normally don’t do. Although, it has been A LOT easier to do now. The day after my first workout I slept something like 9 or 10 hours. Studies show that sleep is an important part of muscle recovery. Not only that, but my coworkers keep asking me what drugs I’m taking, because I seem to have so much more energy than before. I guess it’s working.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Two-Week Challenge - Day 2

Writing this a day late - internet was down yesterday when i got home.
Man! It felt good to be back in the gym. I decided to go with plan i discussed with my trainer, designed for the biggest gains in a short period of time. It involves lifting heavy and focusing on big movements. For week one I’ll be doing 4 workouts of 5x5’s (5 sets at about 70-80% of my 5-rep max). It should be noted that lifting this heavy, especially going into the gym off of a break, does increase my risk of injury. Which can be a little scary. So, I have to be very careful to use the best form possible on all of my exercises.

My first workout used these moves:
Flat Bench Dumbbell Press
Barbell Curls
Rope Pushdowns (triceps)
Standing Overhead Press

This particular lineup wasn't exactly where it needed to be. It was a little hard for me to break into a new routine on the first workout. My mind was still trained for longer workouts at less weight. I’m going to have to focus on my next workout, and use moves that have more impact. I'm also working through a minor knee injury, which eliminates one of the most important, and effective exercises in my routine - the squat. Ahhhh! So, I’ll be subbing squats w/ some alternative exercises.

My food intake, and nutrition was still not where i needed it to be either. Kevin is a big promoter of proper nutrition, and so am I, and with good reason. Kevin has studied this area WAY more than I have, but I’ve seen first-hand the difference between training w/ proper nutrition, and training w/o proper nutrition. The latter is pretty much a waste of time. That’s why I’m glad that I have the right supplements helping me out these two weeks. My meal replacements being my biggest help these two weeks. Seriously, the products i use have such well-balanced nutrition that sometimes it feels like cheating.

Budget-wise, I don't feel like I'm spending any more than i normally do. It would be a GREAT help if i prepared my meals at home. But, I'm a new yorker, and maybe a bit lazy in this area, so i eat out more often than not. Yesterday’s breakfast was a few bowls of cereal. Lunch was chicken wings, baked ziti, and corn - thanks to my sisters for cooking. Dinner was Subway and an MRP (meal replacement). All day long I’m drinking green tea w/ honey and Fiji water, and Gatorade during my workout. (Fiji is a bit more expensive than other brands, but its the only bottled water that is pH balanced, which is really good for your body)

It’s only day two and I have a lot of adjustments to make. Given that this is only a two-week challenge, there is very little room for mistakes. Adjustments need to be made almost immediately. Everyday counts. I’m hoping to learn a lot during the next two weeks, and I’m already feeling good about where I’m going. See you tomorrow.

---Oh! Almost forgot. Weighed in at 149lbs. I'll post day-1 pics tomorrow.

Monday, August 2, 2010


I woke up today - literally jolted out of sleep - w/ a small spark of imagination. A two-week challenge to myself to gain as much muscle as possible. Ignited by the pain of seeing how thin I had become after catching a glimpse of myself in a mirror, yesterday, and realizing that my 2-week “break” had turned into 2 months.

The ‘Aha!’ moment came as I was walking down a set of stairs out of a night club. Surrounded by mirrors, and somehow seeing myself for the first time, all over again. My Goodness, had I really become that thin?! My mind began to snowball instantly, just as quickly as I was descending the stairs.
“I’m heading to California in 2 weeks. Is this how I want to look on the beach? In my pictures?”
“I’ve really been slacking on the gym. I miss it.”
“I rep some of the best products on the market. Let’s really put them to a test.”
“God, I need some sleep.”

As I woke up, 2 hours premature, my mind raced again. Sometime during my sleep I had already committed myself to my challenge, but now I had to take it a step further. Vanity aside, how many other areas of my life could use a two-week makeover? My finances, my lifestyle, my attitude, my job, my business. I really want to see how far I can go these next two weeks. It always amazes me how much working out, and trying to get fit, works as a catalyst and spills over into other areas of my life.

So, here’s the plan:
  • blog everyday for 2 weeks
  • get a plan-of-action that will net me the most gain in two weeks (much thanks to best bud, and personal trainer Kevin Hanover)
  • set up a concrete workout schedule
  • stick to said workout schedule
  • chronicle my experience, my diet, my budget, pictures, and finally my results